British History: Royals, Rebels, and Romantics

Tudors at the Tower: Jane and Mary with Dr. Valerie Schutte (ep 156)

April 05, 2023 Carol Ann Lloyd/Valerie Schutte Season 3 Episode 156

The Tower of London is known for execution & fear. In Tudor time it was also a hub of power, especially for two important Tudor women: Jane Grey Dudley and Mary Tudor. Dr. Valerie Schutte joins us to explore Tudors & power at the Tower.

Show Notes:

Carol Ann Lloyd

Dr. Valerie Schutte
Mary I in Writing: Letters, Literature, and Representation
Writing Mary I: History, Historiography, and Fiction
Princesses Mary and Elizabeth Tudor and the Gift Book Exchange
The Palgrave Handbook of Shakespeare's Queens

Creative Director: Lindsey Lindstrom
Music: History by Andy_Grey via Audio Jungle, Music Broadcast License

History shows us what's possible.