British History: Royals, Rebels, and Romantics

Women Who Shaped Tudor England with Sharon Bennett Connolly (ep 205)

Carol Ann Lloyd/Sharon Bennett Connolly Season 5 Episode 205

In many ways, Tudor England was created by women: mothers and wives, warriors and peacemakers, religious and rebels. These women are brought to life by Sharon Bennett Connolly, who joins us to share their stories.

Carol Ann Lloyd
@shakeuphistory on Twitter, Instagram
@carolannlloydshakeuphistory on Facebook
@carolannlloydshakeuphistory on YouTube
The Tudors by Numbers
Courting the Virgin Queen

Sharon Bennett Connolly
Twitter: @thehistorybits
Instagram: @sharonbennettconnolly
Facebook: Sharon Bennett Connolly
Heroines of the Tudor World
King John's Right Hand Lady: Nicholaa de la Haye
Defenders of the Norman Crown
Ladies of Magna. Carta

History shows us what's possible.